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  Turn off keyboard timeout checking.

  KBDCHKOFF   No arguments are required

  PCBoard has built in automatic keyboard timeout detecting.  What this
  means is that if someone should remain online for a SysOp defined
  period of time without typing anything for PCBoard to process, PCBoard
  will detect it, log it to the callers log, and recycle back to the call
  waiting screen.  Some applications require the ability to turn this off;
  for example, a process that will take a while without interacting with
  the caller should turn off keyboard timeout testing to keep PCBoard
  from thinking that the user has stopped entering information.  Normally,
  PCBoard would just recycle at that point.  So, just before you start a
  section of code that should continue for a while without user input, you
  should issue a KBDCHKOFF.  It will turn off the automatic keyboard
  timeout checking.  When you've finished the block where keyboard timeout
  checking has been disabled, issue the KBDCHKON to turn it back on.

  WHILE (RANDOM(10000) <> 0) PRINT "." ' Something to take a long time!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson